Honour and Educate - sharing the CMS story
Since our inception the Calgary Mosquito Society has been involved in a variety of educational activities that have told others about the importance of the Mosquito and Hurricane
airplanes, the legalities associated with the sale and export of historic artifacts as well as the stories of the men and women associated with them and the aerial survey business.
Regular features are presented on this website and reach a global audience.
Locally the CMS has, and continues to be engaged in public speaking presentations. Popular topics include the 'F for Freddie' tragedy, Willie McKnight - Calgary's Battle of Britain
ace, the history of the Calgary Mosquito, Remembrance Day and how grass roots organizations and regular people can become involved in civil politics. These presentations are done
free of charge and can be booked by simply contacting the CMS. Below is a short list of the many groups and events our members have spoken with:
Airdrie Flying Club
Canadian Aviation Historical Society
Calgary Public Library, John Dutton Theatre
Stampede City Radio Control Model Club
Saint Ceclila School
Rocky Mountain Model Club
Rotary Club of High River
Bomber Command Museum of Canada
Recreational Aircraft Association
Civil Air Search & Rescue Association
Red Deer Flying Club
TransCanada Pipelines Aviation Department
Hughes Air
Kiwanis Club, Calgary Chinook Chapter
Alazar Shiners Temple, Calgary
Stampede City R/C Club
Chinook Country Historical Society
Heritage Calgary
Women in Aviation (the 99s) Calgary chapter
The Calgary Winter Club
The Military Museums of Calgary
Rotary Club of downtown Calgary
Kinsmen Club of NE Calgary
The Phoenix Foundation
Blackie School
COPA National Convention
Mosquito Aircrew Reunion (UK)
Vintage Sports Car Club of Calgary
Imperial Oil Aviation Department
Skyservice Business Aviation Service
Dutch Canadian Club
Royal Canadian Air Cadets, 88 Squadron
Optimus Club
2013 "Big Stuff" Conference